Continuing on in my Month of Thanks, here is my letter for October 10th.
To Misty Provencher,
Those who know you, know your giving heart.
They know how much you put into every interaction, big or small, and all walk away from you feeling important or special.
They know your honesty, and your openness.
Hopefully, they know your books as well.
It was your first book, Cornerstone, that connected me to you, and I’m glad that I got to witness your journey from its humble beginnings to what it has become today.
I love to see your name pop up on my caller ID. It typically means I’m in for at least an hour of lost productivity, but it also means spending time chatting with someone I’ve found so much common ground with.
You’ve taught me quite a bit with your publishing and marketing experiences, to say nothing of the immense favor you did me by talking me into going to UtopYA this summer, and I hope that I’ve been able to return some of that when you need a Photoshop assist or some other technical question answered. I often feel like I don’t do enough for those who support me. I suppose this is what happens when you surround yourself with awesome people: when they can do for themselves, what’s left for me to help with?
So, in case I haven’t said it recently, thank you. Thank you for being a wonderful friend, a wonderful person, and always a positive force in my life.
Now if only I could get you to stop sending my son chocolate… ;)
Your annoyingly logical friend forever,
Starla Huchton

artichoke8 - kelly says
This was beautiful! Misty is amazing.