The year is really flying by and another release day is upon us! Evolution: SAGE is now live in ebook and print format!
Teaser Tuesday – Psychoanalysis
Two weeks remain until the next Super Six! Evolution: SAGE is coming, people! Are you ready?
Today, I thought I’d share a little scene from book 2 with you. Be warned, if you have not read the first in the series, here be spoilers! Proceed at your own risk!
Seducing the Superhero
Today, I present to you a helpful guide, reposted here from FOR HER magazine*, for those who’d like a few pointers from the experts**.
Cover Reveal – REBOOT by Pippa Jay Green
After two weeks of shilling my own books, it’s time to tell you about someone else’s. Today, I have the pleasure of sharing the cover for Pippa Jay Green’s newest work, Reboot, releasing on March 31st. [Read more…]
Evolution: ANGEL – Unleash the Superheroes!
It’s live, people! My superheroes are now out in the world and waiting for you to dive in!
Super-Powered Giveaway!
Oh. My. Goodness.
It’s only a little more than a week until Evolution: ANGEL is live!

You’ve seen the cover now, and gotten to read a few short snippets already. On this Teaser Tuesday, I’m not going to toss any more tantalizing bits of prose at you, however. Instead, I’m going to show you what I’m going to give you.
Evolution: ANGEL – Cover Reveal Day!
Welcome to 2014’s first Super Six!
Oh my goodness, I’m SO excited to share this with all of you! We’re only a month out from the release date of Evolution: ANGEL, and, today, you get to see the cover for book 1!
Blog Tour Stop: The Nogiku series by S. J. Pajonas!
Welcome to my stop on the blog tour for the Nogiku series by SJ Pajonas. This series contains two books: Removed (Nogiku series #1) and Released (Nogiku series #2). Both books are New Adult Science Fiction Romance, Post-apocalyptic books.
You can view the complete tour schedule on the Nogiku series blog tour page on the website of Lola’s Blog Tours.
And now, a guest post by S. J. Pajonas!
Superhero Psychology
(reposted here with permission from Pop Psych Magazine)*
Superhero Psychology
– What Makes a Hero? –
by Dr. Avery T. Sheraton
Evolution: ANGEL – Books and Boys
And… it’s Teaser Tuesday again! Yay!