It’s live, people! My superheroes are now out in the world and waiting for you to dive in!
Super-Powered Giveaway!
Oh. My. Goodness.
It’s only a little more than a week until Evolution: ANGEL is live!

You’ve seen the cover now, and gotten to read a few short snippets already. On this Teaser Tuesday, I’m not going to toss any more tantalizing bits of prose at you, however. Instead, I’m going to show you what I’m going to give you.
Cover Reveal – Promise Me Forever by Sarah Ashley Jones
It is the year of the Fierce Five! Today, another of our member has something to share with you!
I am proud to present the cover to Sarah Ashley Jones’ newest completed project, Promise Me Forever, a follow-up novella to her debut novel, Promise Me This! (And a giveaway!)
Evolution: ANGEL – Cover Reveal Day!
Welcome to 2014’s first Super Six!
Oh my goodness, I’m SO excited to share this with all of you! We’re only a month out from the release date of Evolution: ANGEL, and, today, you get to see the cover for book 1!
Blog Tour Stop: The Nogiku series by S. J. Pajonas!
Welcome to my stop on the blog tour for the Nogiku series by SJ Pajonas. This series contains two books: Removed (Nogiku series #1) and Released (Nogiku series #2). Both books are New Adult Science Fiction Romance, Post-apocalyptic books.
You can view the complete tour schedule on the Nogiku series blog tour page on the website of Lola’s Blog Tours.
And now, a guest post by S. J. Pajonas!
Superhero Psychology
(reposted here with permission from Pop Psych Magazine)*
Superhero Psychology
– What Makes a Hero? –
by Dr. Avery T. Sheraton
Evolution: ANGEL – Character Teasers
Last week, on Monday, January 13th, the Fierce Five (myself, Mindy Hayes, Michele G. Miller, Sarah Ashley Jones, and CL Foster) took over the Facebook page of A Little Bit of R&R for a joint party. Now, it was definitely a fun time, but what’s pertinent here is that I released five teaser images for Evolution: ANGEL. I’ve been remiss in posting them here, but as I plan to release one, possibly two more teaser images for the book tomorrow, I thought I’d share the first batch here as well.
Teaser Tuesday: Prologue
Ho ho ho! Is everyone ready for their Christmas present?
This week, I have something very special for you. I am giving you an exclusive, early look at the project that’s taken over my creative life.
PROGENY – Release Update and ARC Request
Well, it’s about that time again, folks!
You’ve seen the cover and read the blurb.
You’ve waited on pins and needles to find out what happens after the end of NEMESIS.
The release date for PROGENY is right around the corner!