And here we are, November 2nd, and I totally didn’t post about this yesterday. Sorry about that! But anyway, a new book has been unleashed on the reading public!

Upon the Wings of Greater Things
The creative endeavours of Starla Huchton
by Starla Huchton // 1 Comment
It’s become apparent I’m really bad at keeping up with the blogging thing. How is it already Halloween???
There’s always new things popping up for me, so if you’re not already following me on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter, that’s the best way to get the news as it happens. :)
Anyway, so what am I up to these days? Well, a few things. Fun things, of course!
Well, it’s certainly been a while since I last posted here. Whoops.
If you aren’t following me on social media, you could be wondering where I went and what I’m up to. Short answer: nowhere and stuff n things. I’m here today to update after months of nothing here on the blog. So let’s get down to the new stuff you can go seek out and explore!
It’s a new year, so I’m starting off with a new book! And what book might that be?
I’m so glad you asked.
Hello, lovelies! It’s once again Teaser Tuesday, and I am back, as promised, with a sneak peek for you! I’m not going to waste a whole bunch of time blah blah blah-ing about this, so let’s just get right into it, shall we?
by Starla Huchton // 2 Comments
It’s about that time again. One month from now, on November 1st, 2016, the second book in the Hearts of Valentia saga drops! I was all set to share a teaser on social media today, but it occurred to me I haven’t shown anyone the cover yet. Seeing as we’re so close to release day, I should probably remedy that, eh? :) [Read more…]
by Starla Huchton // 1 Comment
Well, it’s been a whirlwind of a summer. How is it August already? Time flies when you’re moving house, I suppose. :)
But, today is release day, and I have a new book for you! [Read more…]
by Starla Huchton // 3 Comments
Okay, so, yes, it’s still technically August, but you know that thing where you’re just really excited and it’s close enough?
It’s close enough.
by Starla Huchton // 1 Comment
Greetings and salutations! It’s been a super busy year for me, and we’re finally past the halfway mark! I hope everyone’s having a great summer and getting a ton of reading done.
It’s hard to believe, but it’s been over a year and a half since I started on the road this story led me down. Lots of other projects made their way into the world first, and it sort of got shuffled away in lieu of superheroes and fairy tales. As my last two releases have both been Contemporary, I am happy to report my return to steamy speculative fiction! That said, for those of you under a certain age, or who aren’t keen to read fiction with adult themes, hang tight. I’ll be back in November with another Flipped Fairy Tale, so I hope to see you all then. :)
by Starla Huchton // 1 Comment
Greetings, folks! Today, I’d like to share this space with one of my favorite people on the planet. Jennifer Melzer has been my editor for almost a year now, but did you know that she’s an author as well? I was captivated by her writing years ago when I listened to the audiobook podcast of The Goblin Market, and have been following her work ever since then.
As a special treat for you guys, I’d like to share an excerpt of one of her newest book with you. [Read more…]