So after the last two days of awesome (Parsecs and print copies!), I figure I’ll make it a hat trick and give you a THIRD day of fantabulousness!
How’s about we play a little game? Let’s call it a contest. And while we’re at it, let’s give away an awesome prize to the winner. In fact, let’s put “awesome” in the name of the contest. What’s better than an Awesome Contest? How about a “Basket of Awesome” Contest?
Yes, you too can own a whole BASKET of awesome. But what could such a basket contain? And is it possible for a normal basket to hold such things?
Here’s the answer to question #1. You will get:
- A signed copy of The Dreamer’s Thread
- An unsigned copy for you to give away
- A TDT coffee mug
- White chocolate powder for you to create your own white chocolate mochas, just like Aura loves!
- A bottle of Aura’s favorite raspberry balsamic vinegar
- A kick-ass recipe for using previous item
- A big-as-your-face bar of the same chocolate used to fuel me whilest writing TDT and…
- A TDT notebook to use as your own dream notebook!
I’m also going to throw in a small bag of the spiced pecans they sell in the Farmer’s Market here in Monterey. They have nothing to do with the book, they’re just awesome. So in they go.
Additionally, if you purchase TDT and end up winning the contest, I will send you a refund for your purchase and will only send the unsigned copy to you.
So what do you have to do to win? Probably stuff you were going to do anyway (or at least you were thinking about it!). I’ve come up with a list of things that will give you one entry each into the contest.
- Buy a copy of The Dreamer’s Thread
- Tweet this contest and @ me (max of 1 per week)
- Write a blog post review of TDT (podcast or print) (past reviews will count!)
- Write an iTunes review (past reviews count!) (and there are TWO feeds to review!)
- Write a review (again, past reviews count)
- Write a review
- Write a CreateSpace or review
- Plug TDT in a forum or blog elsewhere and send me a link to said post
- Anything else I’ve forgotten, but you must ask if it counts
To tell me you did one or more of these things, you can send an email to threaded(dot)dreamerATgmail(dot)com, @ or DM me on Twitter, or leave a comment on this blog post. The BASKET OF AWESOME Contest will close at midnight, PST, on Friday, August 13th, 2010 (Friday the 13th!).
The winner will get all contents mentioned in this post, mailed on my dime, all bundled together in the mythical basket that I must quest for. What? You think awesome-holding baskets grow on trees? Yeesh.
Have fun with this! Can’t wait to see what you guys can do!
Here’s a picture of just SOME of the stuff you’ll be getting!

I cannot overstate how yummy those pecans are. Srsly. I have to use all my will power NOT to eat an entire pound of them at a time. They’re sweet with just a touch of spicy and toasted to awesome perfection. If you’re allergic, well, someone close to you will greatly appreciate them!
Jenny H says
I tweeted the goodness and will be whipping up a review of TDT to add to my site this week. I will pop back and post a comment when the review is life. Huzzah!
Carmen/Sira says
ROFL! I look at that to-do list and just laugh because I’ve done so many of those already…. But I’m not going to count them towards this, because… well, I should be exempt from winning anyway, lol
Starla says
There’s no reason you should be exempt. For realz. I’d even let my mom enter if she wanted to. The only people that won’t be winning are myself and Scott. Other than that, I’m open to any and all entries. Don’t tell anyone, but it’s a shameless scheme to get publicity! Shhhhh…
Liz Elwell says
I know it is too late for the contest but I just wanted to say how much I thoroughly enjoyed your book! I was randomly floating around the internet one day looking for an audio book to listen to and I chanced upon The Dreamer’s Thread, and I am so happy I did! Below is my the review I posted on several sites to better explain why I loved it so much:
I absolutely love this book! I chanced upon it by accident and quickly found myself caught up in the dramatic, humorous, and enchanting world created by the words of Starla Huchton. Since listening to the first episode I haven’t been able to stop myself and listened to it constantly until the story’s end. I am generally skeptical of fantasy stories, afraid that it would be just another tale of elves and adventures like so many others, but instead I found myself entranced by something completely new and supremely magical. I do not over exaggerate when I say I could not tear myself away and I eagerly anticipated listening to each next episode. I highly recommend this book to anyone who has an imagination thirsting to explore a new world full of adventure, wonder, and even love. You will not be disappointed.
Thank you to Starla Huchton for entertaining my heart and mind with this mystical land of dreams. You have a powerful voice and point of view and I really admire that.
This is one tale I will not soon forget.
Thank you!