So, last week Thursday was Talk Like a Pirate Day. Around about eleven p.m., I was sitting around wondering why more people didn’t release pirate-themed books on that day.
And that’s when it hit me. Uh, I have a pirate book. I could potentially do that.
Yeah, maybe I’m slow on the uptake, but I got there.
While Master of Myth isn’t a pirate book in the strictest of terms, make no mistake that the Antigone’s Wrath is definitely a little shady. Captain Rachel Sterling has her own moral compass that might occasionally drift towards a gray area, but it’s there. Still, undoubtedly a pirate book.
Anyway, as eleven p.m. on Talk Like a Pirate Day is a bit late to try to release on said day, I made a decision. Now that the Antigone’s Wrath series is officially out of query mode, I’m going to release it myself…
On International Talk Like a Pirate Day: Friday, September 19th, 2014.
The book has been “finished” since 2010. I read from the manuscript at Balticon 2011. It won a contest in 2012. It took first place and was “being read” by a veteran editor at TOR/Forge for a year after that. This summer, I finally received the rejection notice (we’re not going to discuss said editor who is no longer a TOR/Forge editor) and it came time to decide what to do with it.
Some of those that have read Master of Myth consider it their favorite of my works, though the folks that have seen it are only a handful in number. It’s not a Romance (although there is a small thread of it in there), so the audience is different than what I’ve been building with the Endure series. Perhaps it will have a more wide appeal, or perhaps it will be a flop.
But, there’s only one way to find out.
You can still read the first twenty pages of this story on my blog, beginning here. The final draft may or may not change from what’s there, but it’ll give you a taste of what’s coming. At this point, I don’t have a release schedule for the other books in the series, Master of Machines and Master of Men, but I’ve got a year to figure that out. Book 2 is a little more than halfway finished at this point. It’s been on the back burner as other projects came along, but with the Endure series coming to a close and work on the third and final superhero book beginning, it will have its day fairly soon, I imagine.
So that’s it. Are you ready to get your Steampunk Adventure on?
Thoughts. We needs them, Precious.