Wow. So, the cover reveal for Maven was a HUGE success. Like OMG huge. I never expected the level of participation I got with that and the number of eyeballs that ogled my precious astounds me.
I figured since that went so well, why not have even more fun with this book? The squeaky wheels in my brain started turning and here’s what I came up with.

We’re going to play a little game of Social Media Scavenger Hunt!
What, you ask, might that be?
The run down: On Friday, May 31st, from 6-11 pm EST I’m going to have a social media pre-launch party!
There will be books given away! You can win an e-copy of Maven the weekend before it goes up for sale!

How? Well, between 6-11 pm EST on Friday the 31st, I’m going to ask one question every 30 minutes on Facebook and Twitter. These questions will be loosely pertinent to the story and characters in the book, but not directly from the book. You can google the answers easily, or just hollah at me if you know it off the top of your head! If you’re answering on FB, just post in the comment thread. If you’re a Twitter-er, use the hashtag #MAVENparty to send me your answer.
At the end of each 30 minute period, I will randomly select one person on each platform (FB and Twitter) with a correct answer to receive an ebook version of Maven in their preferred format (ePub or .mobi). This will be instantly delivered to the winner’s email as soon as they DM or message me with their addy. That’s right. INSTANT GRATIFICATION. And you can get it a full weekend before the rest of the world! As a bonus, I will select one person who entered at any point in the night to receive a print version of the book (autographed if you like), which will be announced at the end of the night!
If you’re counting, that’s a total of 21 copies of Maven to be given away.
Is that insane? Maybe. But maybe not. This is a big project for me. I’m planning to release ALL FOUR (that’s right, not three, FOUR) books in this series over the course of the next year. I want to get a good buzz going about it and I want to see it succeed. If I have to give away stuff to get eyeballs on it, I’m in. I’m a podcaster too, remember. Giving stuff away is second nature to me. Kinda like breathing.
Sound fun? Are you in? Do you want free stuff? Why not? Everyone likes free stuff!

I’m excited people! So long as folks show up to play, this is going to be a fun game!
Can’t wait to get this party started!
PK Hrezo (@PKHrezo) says
How cool! I will try to get by on Twitter! Good luck!!!