Last week, on Monday, January 13th, the Fierce Five (myself, Mindy Hayes, Michele G. Miller, Sarah Ashley Jones, and CL Foster) took over the Facebook page of A Little Bit of R&R for a joint party. Now, it was definitely a fun time, but what’s pertinent here is that I released five teaser images for Evolution: ANGEL. I’ve been remiss in posting them here, but as I plan to release one, possibly two more teaser images for the book tomorrow, I thought I’d share the first batch here as well.
Let’s see a few of the characters you’ll meet in book one…
Candace Bristol:
Adrian Hendricks:
Gabriel Vandermeer:
True Clemmons:
And lastly, Jackson Lawrence:
If you find some of the text too small to read, clicking on the image should open the teaser in a new tab (warning: they’ll be REALLY big, lol).
Are you ready for some superheroes yet? I know I am! Be on the lookout for a new teaser tomorrow. I’ve got some fun things coming up here on the blog, in preparation for the big release, so expect lots more to come!
Thoughts. We needs them, Precious.