I’m such a spaz. In catching up on all the things I’ve forgotten to update, I realized I never posted about my cover art project for Antigone’s Wrath. In fact, I may have forgotten to mention it altogether on this site. So, I am remedying that now.
Over spring break, I made it my mission to generate cover art for Antigone’s Wrath. This was for several reasons. 1) I’m building a design portfolio. 2) I needed it to advertise for the Balticon reading. 3) I’m not gonna lie, I had fun doing it.
I had outside input from Alex White (of The Gearheart and DragonMoon Press) and the head of the graphic design department at my school, not to mention the opinions given by my tweeps as I posted screenshots of the process. At any rate, this is the result, and I must say, I am pretty impressed by myself! LOL

If you would like to see the design process I went through to get here, I posted all the screenshots over here for the curious to investigate. I did this not for spoilers, but because I myself find the process fascinating and thought others might as well.
Feel free to drop me a comment and tell me your thoughts!
Tee Morris says
Simply put….
W A N T !!!!!!!!!!!