I’ve decided to try a little experiment.
Just for something fun to do, I’m going to create some of the main characters from TDT in the virtual world of SecondLife. I was a little hesitant to do this at first. I don’t enjoy a story where the author decribes every little detail about a character’s appearance or setting. I like filling in some of those blanks myself. It keeps my imagination engaged.
But the idea kept plaguing me, so I acted on it.
I started yesterday with the easiest one: Aura.
Now keep in mind these renderings are only my interpretations. Just because I’m the author doesn’t mean I’m right. You might have your own ideas as to what each character looks like, and as such I’d encourage you to create your own renderings via whatever medium you’re most comfortable in, be it watercolor or paper mache. I’d love to see other takes on these.
But for now, here’s your first installment. I’ve created two versions of Aura; as she is in the real world, and as she appears in the Dream Realm.

And here’s the alternate Aura. I couldn’t find a dress exactly like what I wanted, but this is close.

So there you have them. There’s more to come in this series, but if you have something you’d like to submit, send me an email at threaded(dot)dreamer(at)gmail(dot)com and I’ll post it here for the world to see!
Laura Frechette says
These are really cool. Where do you find the time?
Starla says
This one didn’t take that long. The others probably will so don’t expect to see them today or tomorrow. ^^;
Emily says
These are really cool. Where do you find the time?