Today, the Parsec Award Finalists were announced.
I nearly shattered my windsheild with my scream when I saw TDT listed as a finalist for Best New Podcaster/Team.
I am struggling to write this right now as I have to fight every second to keep myself in my chair, rather than bouncing off the walls.
It’s because of your support that this was possible! Thank you to cast, audience, and cheerleaders for all your effort! Without you, TDT would be just another blip on the podcast radar.
Most thanks to Jamie Jordan, without whom this whole deal would never have existed. He is awesome. Fear his mad production skills!
Due to this new development, it looks as though I will most likely be attending Dragon*Con in September. More fun with other podcasters! Yay! (plus, have you SEEN the guest list? *faints*)
Also, I recieved the proof copy of TDT today, so print editions are coming super soon!
*bounces off elsewhere*
Thoughts. We needs them, Precious.